Our priority is to help you take your next step of growth in becoming more like Jesus.

"And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Matthew 4:19

What is a disciple?

Someone who follows Jesus, is being changed by Jesus and is on mission with Jesus.

What is discipleship?

The ongoing spiritual process of becoming more like Jesus and helping others do the same. In other words, making disciples who make disciples.

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When we surrender our hearts to Jesus, declaring Him Lord and Savior over our lives, we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and He begins to equip us for our lives as disciples, or followers, of Jesus.

To represent this, we are using the metaphor of a bag filled with the 9 essentials of discipleship.
The 9 essentials are both the characteristics of Jesus we aspire to have and the practices that will help us get there. We take them everywhere with us. From your job to school, or even at the park.

All of life is a spiritual journey to become more like Jesus.


Discipleship is intentional - we must be actively engaged in the spiritual growth process.
Discipleship is holistic - the gospel should infiltrate and transform every part of our lives.
Discipleship is word-centered - it is God’s Word that forms and shapes us.
Discipleship is spirit-led - we are guided and motivated by God’s Spirit.
Discipleship is relational - spiritual growth happens best in the context of relationships.
Discipleship is prayerful - we are changed as we commune with God.
Discipleship is costly - Jesus invites us to count the cost and deny ourselves in order to follow Him.
Discipleship is reproducing - it invests in and equips others so we can reproduce disciples who make disciples.
Discipleship is evangelistic - it aims to reach the lost through both word and deed.


Welcome to the Becoming More Like Jesus podcast! This sermon resource is an extension of Sunday messages within our Becoming More Like Jesus series in 2023. We hope you'll utilize it as a tool to further your understanding and growing as a disciple of Jesus!