God is moving on Kent Island! Thank you for your participation in Bay Area Community Church’s Kent Island Campus launch. Together we are believing God to reach many for Christ across the Eastern Shore. We invite you to pray, give and serve toward this faith adventure. 


First and most important, please join us in praying, as we prepare to launch Bay Area Kent Island. We are asking the Lord to raise up a Campus Pastor and leaders, provide a physical meeting space, raise the finances, and most importantly, move in the hearts of the people of Kent Island to draw them to Himself through becoming an active part of the Bay Area family.


The pre-launch campus costs are $350,000. The elders have set a goal of raising half prior to the hiring of the Campus Pastor. Thus, our giving goal is to raise $175,000 by August 1, 2024. This will enable us not only to hire a Campus Pastor, but also purchase necessary weekend gathering equipment, secure a physical meeting space, and more. We are asking the Bay Area family on the shore to prayerfully give, above and beyond regular giving, a sacrificial gift toward the launch of the Kent Island Campus. There are a couple different ways you can give below:
  • GIVE ONLINE: You can give online via PushPay here.
  • GIVE VIA CHECK: Mail to 884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401. Please make checks payable to Bay Area Community Church with “Kent Island Campus” designated in the memo line. 


Launching a campus involves dozens of dedicated volunteers serving across all ministries. It will be a joy for many to use their gifts and time to serve children, students and adults as a new campus is birthed!