We are Better Together.
Spiritual growth and personal fulfillment happen best in the context of relationships. And when we grow together, big things begin to happen. That’s why we say that we are better together.
To be in community at Bay Area is to be involved and engaged in an intentionally spiritual relationship with other believers that helps each other become more like Jesus. You have a significant part to play in God's work and we don’t want anyone to miss out!
We’d love to help you get connected in community at Bay Area so we can better assist you along your discipleship journey. On this page, you will discover all the ways you can connect in this type of community.
To be in community at Bay Area is to be involved and engaged in an intentionally spiritual relationship with other believers that helps each other become more like Jesus. You have a significant part to play in God's work and we don’t want anyone to miss out!
We’d love to help you get connected in community at Bay Area so we can better assist you along your discipleship journey. On this page, you will discover all the ways you can connect in this type of community.
Community Groups
Community Groups are our primary way to get connected here at Bay Area. Community Groups gather and grow disciples who go and bless their neighbors. They range between 10-20 people and meet regularly for Bible discussion, prayer, fellowship, and regularly serve their neighbors and the community at large.
Click your campus at the links below to learn more about Community Groups and get connected!
Click your campus at the links below to learn more about Community Groups and get connected!
Find Another Group
In addition to Community Groups, our ministries offer a variety of groups that can help you find your community.
In Women’s Ministry, women disciple women so together we can learn to live and love like Jesus did. There are several ways you can connect through Women’s Ministry, including bible studies, prayer groups and events that happen throughout the year.
Click HERE to get connected with our Women's Ministry groups.
Click HERE to get connected with our Women's Ministry groups.
Our desire for Men's Ministry is to gather and grow together so we might go and make disciples of other men. We do this through weekly bible studies, monthly men's breakfasts and events throughout the year.
Click HERE to get connected with our Men's Ministry groups.
Click HERE to get connected with our Men's Ministry groups.
In BASM, we're all about making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. Real-world teaching, worship, relational activities, caring outreach and a whole lot of fun are just some of the elements students will experience as part of what God is doing within our student ministry.
Click HERE to get connected with our Student Ministry.
Click HERE to get connected with our Student Ministry.
20's and 30's
Our 20's and 30's Ministry is aimed toward connecting young professionals to discipleship opportunities as we seek to align with Bay Area's desire to help us grow to become more like Jesus. What do we mean by young professionals? Adults in their 20's and 30's (young) who are in the workforce in some capacity (professionals).
Click HERE to get connected with our 20's and 30's Ministry.
Click HERE to get connected with our 20's and 30's Ministry.
40 and Over Singles
Our goal is to gather singles who are over 40 years old at Bay Area for healthy, godly relationships and to facilitate spiritual and personal growth through activities, prayer and outreach.
Click HERE to get connected with our 40 and Over Singles Ministry.
Click HERE to get connected with our 40 and Over Singles Ministry.