Planting Gospel-Centered Churches Through TIMES12 

Every follower of Jesus is sent to live on mission in this world (John 20:21). Some are sent to plant churches (Acts 13:1-4). In 2008, Bay Area commissioned our first church planting team, and in late 2012 we launched a church planting organization called TIMES12. TIMES12’s mission is to equip planters to multiply gospel-centered disciples and churches.

Why Plant Churches?

The U.S. is the largest mission field in the Western Hemisphere and the fifth-largest in the world. Sadly, 3,500-4,000 churches close every year in the U.S., according to Ed Stetzer, church consultant and researcher. Of special concern is the younger generation of millennials, of whom only 4-13 percent consider themselves churched.

We’ve partnered with TIMES12 to help plant over 20 churches that are loving their neighbors and making disciples. Another half dozen lead pastors are currently preparing to start new churches. Church plant locations include Gloucester City, NJ; Wilmington, DE; Pittsburgh, PA; Washington, DC; Arlington, VA; Alexandria, VA; Norfolk, VA; Farmington, UT; and Maryland cities of Annapolis, Baltimore, Salisbury, Silver Spring, Rockville, Towson and the Eastern Shore.

We are praying and believing God to send even more leaders to plant churches in our region, and to expand into other regions in the days to come.