Discipleship is evangelistic. It loves the lost through word and deed.
The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 says, “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
If we want to become like Jesus, then we will take on his heart and posture toward those who are spiritually lost. True progress in Christlikeness is seen in an ever growing burden for those far from God and increasing boldness in sharing the gospel. We share the gospel by the way we live our lives in front of a watching world as well as when we speak the truth about Jesus to those who come into our life, whether across the street, a member of our family, at work, or across the world.
When we share about Jesus, we can expect to grow in compassion for those around us and boldness to unashamedly share about Christ.
As we grow in sharing about Jesus, we go from:
If you need to grow in evangelism, you might consider:
Additional Resources or Events:
If we want to become like Jesus, then we will take on his heart and posture toward those who are spiritually lost. True progress in Christlikeness is seen in an ever growing burden for those far from God and increasing boldness in sharing the gospel. We share the gospel by the way we live our lives in front of a watching world as well as when we speak the truth about Jesus to those who come into our life, whether across the street, a member of our family, at work, or across the world.
When we share about Jesus, we can expect to grow in compassion for those around us and boldness to unashamedly share about Christ.
As we grow in sharing about Jesus, we go from:
- Indifferent to burdened for those far from Christ
- Unprepared or reluctant to share to passionate and equipped with gospel tools
- Relying on personal strategies to relying on God for the results
If you need to grow in evangelism, you might consider:
- Learn the names, jobs or interests of your neighbors, coworkers, friends
- Begin to pray daily for neighbors, coworkers, friends
- Understand the Biblical concept of a Person of Peace
- Build an oikos map
- Learn your 15 second testimony and life map
- Learn to share the gospel on a napkin
- Study big questions about life and faith
Additional Resources or Events:
- Ask Us Anything
- Evangelism Training