Have you ever wanted to discuss any issue with a Christian woman who may be a bit farther along in their faith journey and have some insights and encouragement for you? Have you wondered how to apply the truth of the Bible to daily living? Do you just want to connect with a woman in the church and spend some time together talking about how to manage the many roles or responsibilities you have?
If you’ve answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, and are interested in having a Mentor, we invite you to check out Journey Together Mentoring Ministry. Women long for authentic, one-on-one, face-to-face connection. We are uniquely created for community, to form relationships, and do life together. Journey Together can help meet those needs as we grow in viewing our life and circumstances through the lens of scripture, and pass along the baton of faith, one woman to another.
For more information or to connect with a mentor, register at the link below: