Men's Bible Studies

Acts Precept Study

Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
January 27 - March 31

Registration will close on January (or sooner if all available spaces are filled) so be sure to register early!

This study did reach capacity last semester! Join us as we do a deep dive into a Precept Ministry Study on the book of Acts (Part 2). Precept is a guided study that allows one to learn while being led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised His disciples that they would take the Gospel to the remotest parts of the earth. Observe Paul's transformation from persecutor of the church to preacher. Join him on his journeys across the Roman world to proclaim the saving message of Jesus to Jews and Gentiles. Learn how to witness and how to live an authentic Christian life in all circumstances in the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn to be like Paul, to be bold in proclaiming the name of Jesus and to trust our sovereign Lord who enables us to endure persecution and suffering at the hands of those who hate Jesus...and therefore, hate us.

You will discover: 
  • Observation: See precisely what the Bible says about Paul’s, Barnabas’s, and the rest of the early church’s relationships with God.  
  • Interpretation: Explore the meaning of these passages in the context of Scripture.  
  • Application: Discover what truths you can apply to your personal life as you learn what the early church experienced in their relationships with God.  Dig deep into the details of Acts 13-28 and discover how God ministered to His people at that time.  
What to expect:  
  • This winter, Acts Part 2 will cover chapters 13-28.
  • There will be homework that will take 1-2 hours per week.
  • Men and women will meet in separate classrooms for the discussion time.  

This is a men’s and women’s parallel study. This means that this study takes place for men and women at the same time and place, but in different rooms. To sign up for the men's study you can navigate to the links below, and to register for the women's study you click here.

Please purchase your own copy of the study book. You have the option to purchase the the “In & Out Study” (1-2 hours of homework/week) or the “Precept upon Precept” (4-5 hours of homework/week) depending how your level of engagement with this study.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 a.m. in Room 236, with Zoom option.
Subject: 1 & 2 Peter


Job Study

Thursdays, , 7-8:30 p.m.
September 12 - May 29

The Book of Job is 42 chapters of God's Word. Using scripture,  podcasts, articles, videos and a supplemental book, "The Gospel according to Job" by Mike Mason, we'll be taking a deep and yet tactful journey into the oldest story in the canon of the Bible.

The Book of Job covers 4 major themes:
  • The Declaration: God’s pronouncement to Satan about who Job is & why.
  • The Duel: Satan’s volley of why Job will curse God & how the duel will transpire (between God & Satan).
  • The Dread: The layers of suffering: physical, emotional, spiritual & relational that Job experiences & how it fosters Job's noble insistence.
  • The Decision: Why God rebukes Job the way he does in the last 4 chapters of the story & how that leads to Job’s decision in the final verses.

The desired outcome of this study is twofold. One, that our relationship with God is brought to a greater level of obedience and intimacy. Second, that we bolster a deeper sense of community and support for 'one another' as brothers in Christ.
