Week 1: An Interview With Jim Hiskey

Feb 17, 2019    Greg St. Cyr

“If the gospel is to be preached to all men it obviously must be done while they are living. The evangelization of the world in this generation, therefore, means the preaching of the gospel to those who are now living. To us who are responsible for preaching the gospel it means in our lifetime; to those who it is to be preached it means in their lifetime. The unevangelized for whom we are responsible live in this generation; and the Christians whose duty it is to present Christ to them live in this generation. If the world is to be reached in this or any generation it will be because a sufficient number of individual Christians recognize and assume their personal obligation to the undertaking.” - John Mott

Join us as we hear the incredible account of an ordinary man who has dedicated the past 60 years of his life to evangelizing the world for Jesus. Jim Hiskey's story is an inspirational example of what Jesus can do with a life made available to Him.