Lord, we are Yours! We set ourselves apart anew to You this year. Renew our commitment to You, grow us in our faith, and reign as King over every part of my life. 
Feb 1  Lord, create in us a hunger for more of You and Your word. (Psalm 63)
Feb 2 Renew our hearts and minds. Help us know Your good will and walk in it. (Romans 12:1-2)
Feb 3 – Transform us to look and live more like Jesus. You have set us apart – help us pursue holiness. (2 Corinthians 3:18)
Feb 4 – Remind us of who we are in Christ. Help us to live out of this identity. (Ephesians 1:3-6)
Feb 5 – Forgive us our sins. Keep our hearts, minds, mouths and hands from evil. (Psalm 130:3-4)  
Feb 6 – Redeem fractured relationships. May we be a community of grace, peace, unity and reconciliation. (Philippians 2:1-4)
Feb 7 – I surrender to Your will and Your ways for me. Where You lead me I will follow. (Luke 22:42)


Lord, we want Your mind and heart regarding the future of our church. We need You! Unify us, mobilize us, lead us, and use us!
Feb 8  Give us Your vision and Your heart for our Church. Why did you plant this community of believers here? (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Feb 9 Open our eyes to the opportunities for good works that we may adorn the gospel. (Titus 2:8)
Feb 10 – Lord, what is my personal role in this body as You prepare to mobilize us on this mission? Lead us in our gifts, give us clarity, and put us individually where You want me. May we all contribute our God-given gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:12)
Feb 11 – Give us wisdom in all matters as we prepare for and move toward our church’s autonomy. (James 1:5)
Feb 12 – Pray for those who labor as elders and church staff among us and their families. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Feb 13 – May the community see the light of the gospel of Christ through us. (Matthew 5:13-16)
Feb 14 – Give us boldness to declare the gospel with love, grace, truth and tact. (Ephesians 6:18-20)


Lord, You have called us to be a part of the greatest commission ever given. Lead us by Your Spirit to reach the lost and to love our neighbors to your glory. We want to be the Church and seek the welfare of our cities and the flourishing of humanity.
Feb 15 – Touch our neighbors and make their hearts soft and receptive to the gospel. Create fertile soil for the seed of Your word. (Matthew 28:16-20)
Feb 16 – Make us a radically welcoming, loving, and caring place. (Romans 15:7)
Feb 17 – Give us greater love for the lost. May our heart reflect Your Father’s heart. (Luke 19:10)
Feb 18 – We pray for our government officials and school officials. Give them grace, wisdom and protection. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Feb 19 – Provide and care for the hungry, hurting and helpless. Use us! (Deuteronomy 10:18)
Feb 20 – Replace division and hostility with peace and unity. May the Church be ambassadors of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)
Feb 21 – Pour Your Spirit out all of the Churches on the Easter Shore. Awaken and sustain us all. (Colossians 1:9-11)


We are going to pray using the Lord’s prayer as a pattern for our prayers. Each day we’ll chew on a
different part of Matthew 6:9-13.
Feb 22 – Lord thank You that you hear us! You know our needs before we even ask. Thank You! (vs. 7-8)
Feb 23 – God in Heaven, help us to remember how big and holy You are! Spread Your fame that
You would be seen as great and treated with reverence by everyone. (vs. 9)
Feb 24 – May Your will be done. You in heaven have perfect perspective, so we trust and submit to You. (vs. 10)
Feb 25 – Father, You know our needs. So we ask You for them in faith rather than turning to anxiety and worry. (vs. 11)
Feb 26 – Forgive me. Restore me. Cover the sins that I knowingly commit and in ways that I don’t yet realize I fall short, reveal this to me that I may humbly confess those to You as well. (vs. 12)
Feb 27 – Help me to be a conduit of Your grace and forgiveness toward those who have wronged me. (vs. 12)
Feb 28 – Keep us from sin. Keep our ways blameless, holy and above reproach. (vs. 13)