In a sermon focusing on the Holy Spirit, Greg defined the heart as “the seat of our will, desires, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and connection with God.” He also said the Holy Spirit is working “to transform our heart into the likeness of Jesus.” I wanted to stand up and cheer, because I spend much time talking with people using the language of the heart. I find that sometimes it is a foreign language, because we are not always in touch with what is on our hearts.
Kim Mitchell has been an active Ministry Partner at Bay Area Community Church for many years with her husband David and their four children. You can find her serving as a small group leader in The Well, Bay Area’s women’s bible studies, on Wednesday mornings or leading the back to school programs and Christmas drives through Walk the Walk Foundation, which she and her husband founded.
Kim, with her husband Dave and two of their daughters, recently went on her first mission trip to El Salvador on one of Bay Area’s short term missions trips. This was an amazing serving opportunity for their family to do together. It all began when her youngest daughter Mary came home from church saying she wanted to “make the trade.”
During their time in El Salvador, Kim and her team worked at the Children’s Center, visited homes in the community, painted a Gospel mural on the Children’s Center outer wall, and did construction work. When talking to Kim about her favorite memories of the trip, she said, “There are too many favorite memories. When we left the US, we were 38 people who sort of knew each other, and when we left El Salvador we were a family”.
When sharing about her time in El Salvador, Kim mentioned a home trip that she and a few of her team members were going on during one of the last days of their trip. At that time, she had no idea what the Lord was intending or planning. On this visit, the team met a young man named Louis and were able to lead him to Jesus. When talking with the team, Louis told them his father had been praying for many years that he would find God for himself.
As a mother of young adults, Kim saw the prayers of a father be answered. This struck a chord in her own life when she realized that she could let go and know that God was working in her own needs and in her own prayers. She said, “This totally renewed my faith that my prayer WILL be answered which has allowed me to give up my concern for HOW that prayer
will be answered.” This realization has brought her complete freedom.
When talking with Kim, you get the overwhelming sense that she is a woman of great faith and a woman who is seeking the Lord with her whole being. She is also a lot of fun to be with. She shared about the many laughs among team members and also the joy in seeing her youngest daughter, Mary, be baptized while in El Salvador.
Kim’s story shows the realness of encountering and sharing God while “making the trade.” Great things were done, relationships were built, and the gospel was spread to those who needed to hear the good news.
Kim, with her husband Dave and two of their daughters, recently went on her first mission trip to El Salvador on one of Bay Area’s short term missions trips. This was an amazing serving opportunity for their family to do together. It all began when her youngest daughter Mary came home from church saying she wanted to “make the trade.”
During their time in El Salvador, Kim and her team worked at the Children’s Center, visited homes in the community, painted a Gospel mural on the Children’s Center outer wall, and did construction work. When talking to Kim about her favorite memories of the trip, she said, “There are too many favorite memories. When we left the US, we were 38 people who sort of knew each other, and when we left El Salvador we were a family”.
When sharing about her time in El Salvador, Kim mentioned a home trip that she and a few of her team members were going on during one of the last days of their trip. At that time, she had no idea what the Lord was intending or planning. On this visit, the team met a young man named Louis and were able to lead him to Jesus. When talking with the team, Louis told them his father had been praying for many years that he would find God for himself.
As a mother of young adults, Kim saw the prayers of a father be answered. This struck a chord in her own life when she realized that she could let go and know that God was working in her own needs and in her own prayers. She said, “This totally renewed my faith that my prayer WILL be answered which has allowed me to give up my concern for HOW that prayer
will be answered.” This realization has brought her complete freedom.
When talking with Kim, you get the overwhelming sense that she is a woman of great faith and a woman who is seeking the Lord with her whole being. She is also a lot of fun to be with. She shared about the many laughs among team members and also the joy in seeing her youngest daughter, Mary, be baptized while in El Salvador.
Kim’s story shows the realness of encountering and sharing God while “making the trade.” Great things were done, relationships were built, and the gospel was spread to those who needed to hear the good news.