Serving MVP's

Chris & Paige Hemler

Children's Ministry

Why do you feel like it's important to serve/why do you serve?
Chris: Christ set the ultimate example of service, so if we are working to be more like Him, then I think we ought to find ourselves in service. If we follow the habits and actions that He set for us, then we are putting ourselves in the right spot for spiritual growth.
Paige: I believe that everyone has a spiritual gift and that gift should be shared with their church community. Everyone can impact their church in both big and small ways.

How has serving impacted your own spiritual walk?
Chris: Serving in Children's Ministry reminds me of these fundamental truths: God made you, God loves you, and God gave His Son for you.
Paige: Sharing Jesus's love with young minds reminds me of His love during difficult times. Even adults need that reminder.

What would you want someone to know about serving with the Children's Ministry?
Chris: You don't need a degree in education to influence young kids. Actually, I'm convinced that you really just need to show up and love them, spend time with them, hang out with them.
Paige: Serving in the Children’s Ministry humbles me; every time we share Bible stories, I gain new insights or perspectives.

Mindy Gallegos

BASM Hospitality

Why do you feel like its important to serve/why do you serve? 
It’s important to serve because Jesus came not to be served, but to serve and give His life for us, and we follow His example. I serve out of gratitude to the Lord for loving and saving me, and out of a desire to be a little part of the big work God is doing through BACC.

How has serving impacted you in your spiritual journey? 
Serving has impacted my spiritual journey by challenging me to be more generous with my time and energy and to think of the needs of others, as well as my own.

What would you want someone to know about serving with student ministry? 
Serving in student ministry in one word is FUN! It is a joy to see our students eating and laughing together at church in a safe, loving environment.

Emily Cieslinski

Life Group Leader 

How has leading a life group impacted you personally and spiritually?
I have grown in contentment knowing that as a life group leader I am participating with God in His purpose to build His kingdom. Also, God works powerfully to intensify growth through authentic, safe, gracious, committed, purposeful, and loving relationships.

What new insights, if any, do you have about God or His Kingdom through serving?
The discipleship model God gave us, to multiply through relationships, is slow and works! God called me be a part of it because I seek him and his kingdom, not because I have all the right answers and ideas.

What would you tell someone who has yet to start serving in the church body?
Loving others through serving is never a mistake. It can be a sacrifice, but serving is only ever a blessing to you and others.

Brad & Maggie Smith

STM Leaders

How has serving globally impacted you personally and spiritually?
Serving on multiple Short-Term Mission teams has been incredible! It has brought us closer in our relationship with Jesus by opening our hearts to the nations and allowed us to see everyone in the world is fundamentally the same.

What new insights, if any, do you have about God or His Kingdom through serving this way?
We have witnessed first hand that God is working everywhere. Some of these people are in dire conditions in Uganda, India, and South Sudan but are full of joy because of their love for Christ.

What would you tell someone who has never considered serving overseas?
Just go! Jesus will guide you in the process, provide financial support, and be with you every step of the way. It will change your life forever and you will grow more with Jesus!

Mark & Nikki Cerulla

Worship & Production

What do you love about serving/what are the benefits of serving on a team at Bay Area? 
Mark: When I think of serving, I can’t help but think about what Jesus did for me, leaving everything to come to earth and taking on the form of a servant. When you truly understand that sacrifice and obedience, you can’t help but want to emulate it.
Nikki: I love the sense of community and fellowship. Serving allows the opportunity to join with other like-minded believers to be used by God in a unique way.

How has serving impacted your own spiritual walk? 
Mark: When I am not serving, I feel stagnant and unproductive as a follower of Christ. Serving takes sacrifice, but it helps you see people the way Jesus sees people and that is truly rewarding.
Nikki: Serving is a natural part of walking with Jesus. Touching other’s lives through worship, prayer and simple community is life-giving and rewarding. I feel blessed to be able to serve and be used of God in whatever way He chooses for me. When I surrender my will to His, my heart is transformed.

Bryan & Amy Patrick

Community Group Leaders

What do you love about serving at our Odenton campus?
Serving at Odenton feels like we are pitching in together as a family. As a mobile campus, there are so many small ways to serve that collectively make a big impact.

Why do you feel it's important to serve?
Serving connects us to a more complete picture of who God is when we use our unique gifts collectively for a Kingdom purpose.

Darlene & ML Webb

Connect Team

What do you love about serving/what are the benefits of serving on a team at Bay Area? 
Darlene: Serving has been an honor. I feel like I'm working for Jesus, doing what he called me to do. I didn't know the first thing about espresso coffee making, but learned quickly that I love doing it.
ML: I like serving because of the interaction with not only people coming to church but I really enjoy getting to know some of the other volunteers and staff members here.

How has serving impacted your own spiritual walk? 
Darlene: Serving at your home church is very important. Ephesians 2:10 says we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
ML: Serving lets me connect personally, gain Christian advice, and help others who may need my support.

What would you tell someone who has yet to start serving in the church body? 
Darlene: It's a good way to meet new people. Being on the connect team has made me feel more like part of the church community.
ML: I consider myself an introvert so getting out of the shadows isn't always easy for me, but I've learned that if you want to really feel like part of the church community on a more personal level and use the talents that God has given you to benefit the church body, VOLUNTEER.

Seth Davis

Chair Team

Why do you feel like its important to serve/why do you serve?
We are called to serve is the quick answer. I also find serving is a great way to meet people at Bay Area and I enjoy the fellowship with others while we serve.

How has serving impacted you in your spiritual journey?
It's helped me focus on being humble and living out Jesus's perfect example of humility. I appreciate the opportunity to help set up an environment where perhaps the next day someone might learn about salvation for the first time and accept Jesus as their savior.

What would you want someone to know about serving with the chair team?
We have a fun group that enjoys serving. It's only about a one hour commitment once a month, generally on Saturday mornings. Luis Sanchez is a great leader who structures the schedule based on everyone's availability each month.