Bay Area, we are all about making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. Missions has always been a vital part of our story, and we continue to witness our great God doing great things through this ministry. God is writing a story at Bay Area, and that story unfolds as our people say "yes" to the call to go, give and pray.
What a privilege it is to participate in the advancement of His Kingdom around the world! This issue of GO&MAKE is a special one, highlighting our story of reaching the nations. It includes articles from the past, providing both new and long- time members of Bay Area's spiritual family an opportunity to look back at where we have been, which helps us look forward to where we are going.
Before we get into the other articles, I want to take a moment to share Bay Area’s strategy for reaching the nations and give some updates on where we are today. There are several different strategies churches take to be involved in reaching the nations
for Jesus. Some choose to invest heavily in one or two countries. Others choose to focus on a region like the 10/40 Window. Bay Area has chosen a different way. With a priority on unreached people groups and church multiplication, we have chosen to focus on the entire globe. Our goal has been to find at least one partner (an individual or an organization) leading gospel-centered church multiplication movements in each of the 17 regions of the world.
In 2021, we had global partners in 9 of the 17 regions. Since then, the Lord has expanded our reach, allowing us to bring on more partners in new regions in the last three years. Currently we are on track to have a global partner in at least 14 of the 17 regions by the end of 2025. In 2023, we added partners M&L* in Central Asia, Francisco and Rebekah Puente in Western Europe (Spain), and John and Abi Thompson in South America (Peru). We are also actively working to establish partnerships in North Africa and
East Asia. Progress continues in Central Africa, though the war-torn nature of the country presents challenges in solidifying that partnership.
Looking ahead is exciting, but looking back is equally meaningful. Just over ten years ago, Bay Area spearheaded an initiative called "The One Fifty." As you will read in the following articles God allowed us to reach a goal of seeing 150 people say yes to going to the nations. It is great to read their testimonies and see how true they are then and now.
You'll also find an article about India from our ministry partner, Randy Stiles. If you are like me and only know Randy from recent years, you will be surprised to see a picture of a clean-shaven Randy! Since Bay Area first partnered with our beloved partners in India, much has changed. Due to security concerns, not too many details can be shared, but one phenomenal piece of information I can share is absolutely mind blowing. India has 2,041 unreached people groups, meaning entire ethnic communities without access to the gospel. Through our partnership, 92 of these groups now have churches among them and access to the hope of Jesus. Let that sink in - 92 ethnic groups who once had no knowledge of Christ now have thriving church communities!
Those are just two of the articles from the past that are in this issue. You will also read about Lebanon, South Sudan, and Poland - places where God has allowed us to be part of His amazing work. As you open these pages and read these articles, know that I have prayed for you. Your Lead Pastor, Greg has prayed for you. The staff of Bay Area has prayed for you. Our prayer is that as you read these stories, something will happen in your heart - that it would bind itself to God’s heart for the nations, and that you will desire to be intimately involved in the work by going, giving and praying.
I have had the privilege of visiting many of these places, and all I can say is this - you just have to go and see with your own eyes what God is doing. You will not regret saying yes to joining God in His mission.
As I said earlier, God is writing a story at Bay Area, but to shift metaphors, He is also weaving a tapestry. This tapestry is intricately woven with threads of different nations and a diversity of people. We are bound together with friends around the world, united in our mission to see God's glory spread across the earth. The tapestry is being woven - what part will you play in its creation?
Before we get into the other articles, I want to take a moment to share Bay Area’s strategy for reaching the nations and give some updates on where we are today. There are several different strategies churches take to be involved in reaching the nations
for Jesus. Some choose to invest heavily in one or two countries. Others choose to focus on a region like the 10/40 Window. Bay Area has chosen a different way. With a priority on unreached people groups and church multiplication, we have chosen to focus on the entire globe. Our goal has been to find at least one partner (an individual or an organization) leading gospel-centered church multiplication movements in each of the 17 regions of the world.
In 2021, we had global partners in 9 of the 17 regions. Since then, the Lord has expanded our reach, allowing us to bring on more partners in new regions in the last three years. Currently we are on track to have a global partner in at least 14 of the 17 regions by the end of 2025. In 2023, we added partners M&L* in Central Asia, Francisco and Rebekah Puente in Western Europe (Spain), and John and Abi Thompson in South America (Peru). We are also actively working to establish partnerships in North Africa and
East Asia. Progress continues in Central Africa, though the war-torn nature of the country presents challenges in solidifying that partnership.
Looking ahead is exciting, but looking back is equally meaningful. Just over ten years ago, Bay Area spearheaded an initiative called "The One Fifty." As you will read in the following articles God allowed us to reach a goal of seeing 150 people say yes to going to the nations. It is great to read their testimonies and see how true they are then and now.
You'll also find an article about India from our ministry partner, Randy Stiles. If you are like me and only know Randy from recent years, you will be surprised to see a picture of a clean-shaven Randy! Since Bay Area first partnered with our beloved partners in India, much has changed. Due to security concerns, not too many details can be shared, but one phenomenal piece of information I can share is absolutely mind blowing. India has 2,041 unreached people groups, meaning entire ethnic communities without access to the gospel. Through our partnership, 92 of these groups now have churches among them and access to the hope of Jesus. Let that sink in - 92 ethnic groups who once had no knowledge of Christ now have thriving church communities!
Those are just two of the articles from the past that are in this issue. You will also read about Lebanon, South Sudan, and Poland - places where God has allowed us to be part of His amazing work. As you open these pages and read these articles, know that I have prayed for you. Your Lead Pastor, Greg has prayed for you. The staff of Bay Area has prayed for you. Our prayer is that as you read these stories, something will happen in your heart - that it would bind itself to God’s heart for the nations, and that you will desire to be intimately involved in the work by going, giving and praying.
I have had the privilege of visiting many of these places, and all I can say is this - you just have to go and see with your own eyes what God is doing. You will not regret saying yes to joining God in His mission.
As I said earlier, God is writing a story at Bay Area, but to shift metaphors, He is also weaving a tapestry. This tapestry is intricately woven with threads of different nations and a diversity of people. We are bound together with friends around the world, united in our mission to see God's glory spread across the earth. The tapestry is being woven - what part will you play in its creation?