"All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God." 

Psalm 86:9-10

God has been so gracious to us! We are praying and believing God to continue to do great and wondrous things in and through Bay Area. Will you join us in prayer and faith that God would bless and use us for His kingdom purposes?

As we start a new ministry year, we are asking each who call Bay Area home to prayerfully consider and respond to the following opportunity by the end of this month, September of 2024.


Decide your next step of growth to becoming more like Jesus. Start by asking yourself some of these questions and discern with the Spirit what one step you can take.

  • Is this the year I publicly proclaim my faith by getting baptized?
  • Is there an area of my life that I have not yet surrendered to Jesus?
  • Am I intentionally building relationships with non-believers?
  • Is my time management reflective of Jesus being my highest priority?
  • Do I regularly spend time in prayer seeking God’s will for my life?

Deciding this step is the most important thing you can do this ministry year. Don’t wait another day! And if you don’t know where to start we are here to help.


Commit to praying for our church. Here are three things you can pray specifically for:

  • Love, unity and humility within the church (John 17; Philippians 2)
  • Bay Area to truly become a disciple-making church (Matthew 28:19
  • God to glorify Himself through us in proclaiming His fame from here to the nations (Psalm 67)


Ask the Lord if your level of financial support to the church reflects His will. Our giving is a response to God’s grace in our lives. He is the owner of all. We are His stewards. It’s a godly practice to regularly bring our finances to the Lord. For many, inflation and indebtedness are huge barriers. We understand and are here for you. Resources are available on our website here. One thing that many find helpful is to automate your giving. This can help make your giving a priority.

Consider a special gift in September to help us:
Launch Bay Area’s Kent Island Campus
Over 65 households travel across the bridge to attend Bay Area, but the distance and traffic make inviting neighbors an overwhelming challenge. The cost of launching a new campus is $350,000. Our Bay Area family on the island has already sacrificed to give half of this need!

Now it is our turn to help make this campus a reality. We are asking you to give toward the remaining $175,000 so that the gospel will advance on the island.
Support “The Well Community Church” in Silver Springs
The Well is one of our TIMES12 churches that was founded a decade ago in Silver Spring. A dynamic and diverse community of faith, they are in the process of purchasing a beautiful church building from a dying congregation. For details, go to  

The elders have decided to give $25,000 from our savings to help make this a reality. Additionally, we’d like to give another $25,000 through our church family’s continued generosity, if we first meet the Kent Island launch goal.
Get out of debt
Our vision has always been to be debt-free to release millions of dollars into ministry from here to the nations. Balancing the tension of constantly advancing to reach new mission fields with financial prudence, we have diligently worked to reduce our debt to $3.7M on our $19M facility.

If your generosity this month exceeds the needs of Kent Island and The Well, all remaining dollars will go to reduce our debt!
If you would like to give via check, please make payable to Bay Area Community Church with the memo line: "September 2024 Vision Gift"